Following is the relevant code in the application custom JAAS Lgoin Module, 
login() method. The highlighted line retrieves the user info from remote user 
service. The error occurs at this line. If I write a JDK client (normal Java 
class run at command prompt) to lookup remote user service and invoke same 
findUser method I do not get any errors. 

I am using Sun JDK version 1.5.0_14-b03 

  | public boolean login() throws LoginException {
  |     LOG.logMessage("login() - enter");
  |     String[] credentials = null;
  |     /* get user credentials */
  |     credentials = this.getUserCredentials();
  |     /* setup service parameters */
  |     this.user = new User();
  |     user.setId(credentials[0]);
  |     /* lookup service */
  |     InitialContext ic;
  |     try {
  |             ic = new InitialContext();
  |             userSvc = (IUserServiceRemote)  
  |                 ic.lookup(IBusServiceLookup.USER);
  |     } catch (NamingException e) {
  |             throw new 
  |                 LoginException(ILoginServiceErrorCodes.NAMING_ERROR);
  |     }
  |     /* invoke service */
  |     try {
  | **********ERROR happens at below method call 
  |         this.user = userSvc.findUser(user.getId()); 
  |     } catch (ServiceException sve) {
  |            LOG.logMessage("login() - service execption occurred");
  |                     throw new 
  |     }
  | }

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