Hi Thomas and Peter! 

I did the checksum using FastSum and the package is good:

C:\>fsum "c:\jboss-portal-2.7.0.GA-bundled.zip"
  | MD5 Checksum calculation and verification utility. [] EN
  | (C) 2003-2005 Kirill Zinov and Vitaly Rogotsevich. Web site: www.fastsum.com
  | c:\jboss-portal-2.7.0.GA-bundled.zip 0B1521EFA362FE30068A076501D46EB5
  | Calculation summary:
  |   Processed 1 files in 0 folders with total size 167.23 Mb.
  |   Elapsed time: 00:00:07 Average speed: 21.62 Mb\Sec.

I managed to get over the looping problem by updating to JDK 6u11 and server 
can be started. But when I went into http://localhost:8080/portal, there's lots 
of errors. I also tried JDK 5 (jdk1.5.0_17) as the quickstart doc indicate to 
use JDK 1.4/1.5 but I still get http 500 internal server error. 

Here's the zip file containing the stdout (from server start to errors while 
loading portal): http://www.fileden.com/files/2008/12/9/2216582/stdout.zip

Please have a look and let me know what went wrong, thanks :) There are out of 
memory exceptions but I don't think my laptop is having too low specs, have 1GB 
rams and before run.bat, the memory consumption was at ~330MB.

p.s. Really like JBoss portal documentation, so far the best I have seen. But 
if I can't get it running, I can't convince my professor >< Please help~


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