ahhh, i got it. here is the complete script if someone want to use it under 
windows servers (script is originaly from w.leibzon!):

  | #!/usr/bin/perl -w
  | #
  | # ============================== SUMMARY 
  | #
  | # Program : check_jboss.pl
  | # Version : 0.31
  | # Date    : May 16, 2007
  | # Author  : William Leibzon - will...@leibzon.org
  | # Summary : This is a nagios plugin to check jboss parameters by means
  | #           of twindle utility on the same host
  | # Licence : GPL - summary below, full text at 
  | #
  | # =========================== PROGRAM LICENSE 
  | #
  | # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  | # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  | # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  | # (at your option) any later version.
  | #
  | # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  | # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  | # GNU General Public License for more details.
  | #
  | # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  | # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  | # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
  | #
  | # ============================= SETUP NOTES 
  | #
  | # This is a nagios plugin to check JBOSS server attributes. It requires
  | # local JBOSS provided twiddle utility to be available and will call it
  | # (and consequently JAVA process) to actually connect to JBOSS server.
  | # Therefore keep in mind that this plugin requires rather heavy processing
  | # and you're lot better off doing this through NRPE.
  | #
  | # For setup make sure to adjust path to twiddle which is rather non-standard
  | # in this plugin by default (/opt/jboss/bin/twiddle) and make sure you have
  | # either utils.pm in the directory specified with "use lib" or comment it 
  | # uncomment 'my %ERRORS' and 'my $TIMEOUT'.
  | #
  | # The attributes are data attributes of JBOSS bean which you must
  | # specify with '-J'; specifying type with '-T' is also required by
  | # twiddle, please see documentation for JBOSS and twiddle.
  | #
  | # For each attribute you specify in '-a' you must also specify warning
  | # and critical values in the same order in '-w' and '-c' (see below)
  | # Using '-f' would cause all attribute values to also be available
  | # for Nagios performance processing and with '-A' you can specify
  | # list of that attributes even if they are not otherwise listed in
  | # '-a' (you can also do '-A *' to just get all the atributes).
  | #
  | # Warning and critical levels are specified with '-w' and '-c' and each
  | # one must have exact same number of values (separated by ',') as number
  | # of attribute names specified with '-a'. Any values you dont want
  | # to compare you specify as ~ (or just not specify a value, i.e. ',,'). 
  | # There are also number of other one-letter modifiers that can be used
  | # before actual data value to direct how data is to be checked.
  | # These are as follows:
  | #    > : issue alert if data is above this value (default for numeric value)
  | #    < : issue alert if data is below this value (must be followed by 
  | #    = : issue alert if data is equal to this value (default for 
  | #    ! : issue alert if data is NOT equal to this value
  | # A special modifier '^' can also be used to disable checking that warn
  | # values are less then (or greater then) critical values (it is rarely
  | # needed). A quick example of specialized use is '--warn=^<100 --crit=>200'
  | # which will cause warning alert if value is < 100 and critical alert
  | # if its greater then 200.
  | #
  | # =================================== TODO 
  | #
  | #  1. [0.3 DONE] Update to my latest format & code for parsing warning & 
  | #     parameters so they can be of the form "<value", ">value" as well
  | #     as "~". Note that in this version the "<value" is specified as
  | #     "-value" as with check_jboss plugin - but this will be going away!
  | #  2. Add support for storing values in some file so as to allow to check
  | #     on rate of change rather then just actual value
  | #  3. As an option instead of using "twiddle" the data is retrieved
  | #     from JBoss HTTP status/config data.
  | #  4. Add full "help" output in the "check_help" function
  | #  5. [0.2 DONE] Need to change how twiddle its called so that pid of the 
  | #  6. [0.31 DONE] Added -S parameter to specify JMX service instead of type
  | #     shell is kept and that process can be killed during timeout (otherise
  | #     it maybe left hanging and become a zombie).
  | #
  | # ========================== START OF PROGRAM CODE 
  | $ENV{JAVA_HOME} = "C:\\Java\\jdk1.6.0";
  | $ENV{JAVAC} = "$ENV{'JAVA_HOME'}\\bin\\javac";
  | use strict;
  | use Getopt::Long;
  | my $twiddle = "c:\\jboss-4.0.5.GA\\bin\\twiddle.bat";
  | my $tempdir = "c:\\TEMP";
  | # Nagios specific
  | # use lib "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins";
  | # use utils qw(%ERRORS $TIMEOUT);
  | my $TIMEOUT = 20;
  | my %ERRORS=('OK'=>0,'WARNING'=>1,'CRITICAL'=>2,'UNKNOWN'=>3,'DEPENDENT'=>4);
  | ################# DO NOT MODIFY BELOW THIS LINE ########################
  | my $o_host=     undef;          # hostname
  | my $o_help=     undef;          # help option
  | my $o_verb=     undef;          # verbose mode
  | my $o_version=  undef;          # version info option
  | my $o_warn=     undef;          # warning level option
  | my @o_warnLv=   ();             # array of warn values
  | my @o_warnLp=   ();             # array of warn data processing modifiers
  | my $o_crit=     undef;          # Critical level option
  | my @o_critLv=   ();             # array of critical values
  | my @o_critLp=   ();             # array of critical data processing 
  | my $o_perf=     undef;          # Performance data option
  | my $o_timeout=  5;              # Default 5s Timeout
  | my $o_jmxmbean= undef;              # JMX MBean to check
  | my $o_datatype= undef;              # Data type from specified JMX MBean
  | my $o_servicetype= undef;       # Service type for specified Mbean (use in 
place of -T)
  | my $o_jmxattr=  undef;              # Specific MBean attributes to monitor
  | my @o_jmxattrL= ();         # array from above list
  | my $o_perfattr= undef;              # JMX Mbean attribute that is only 
displayed in performance data
  | my @o_perfattrL= ();                # array from above list
  | my $tw_pid=undef;
  | my $Version='0.3';
  | sub p_version { print "check_jboss version : $Version\n"; }
  | sub print_usage {
  |     print "Usage: $0 [-v] -J <jmx mbean name> -T <data type from specified 
mbean> [-H <host>] [-a <attribute list> -w <warn levels> -c <critical levels> 
[-f]] [-A <attributes for perfomance data>] [-t <timeout>] [-V]\n";
  | }
  | # Return true if arg is a number
  | sub isnum {
  |   my $num = shift;
  |   if ( $num =~ /^[-|+]?((\d+\.?\d*)|(^\.\d+))$/ ) { return 1 ;}
  |   return 0;
  | }
  | sub help {
  |    print "\nJBoss Monitor for Nagios version ",$Version,"\n";
  |    print " by William Leibzon - william(at)leibzon.org\n\n";
  |    print_usage();
  | }
  | # For verbose output - don't use it right now
  | sub verb { my $t=shift; print $t,"\n" if defined($o_verb) ; }
  | # Get the alarm signal (just in case this plugin screws up)
  | $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub {
  |      print ("ERROR: Alarm signal (Nagios time-out)\n");
  |      kill 9, $tw_pid if defined($tw_pid);
  |      exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};
  | };
  | sub check_options {
  |     Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling");
  |     GetOptions(
  |         'v'     => $o_verb,            'verbose'       => $o_verb,
  |         'h'     => $o_help,            'help'          => $o_help,
  |         'H:s'   => $o_host,            'hostname:s'    => $o_host,
  |     'J:s'   => $o_jmxmbean, 'jmx_mbean:s'   => $o_jmxmbean,
  |     'T:s'   => $o_datatype, 'data_type:s'   => $o_datatype, 
  |         'S:s'   => $o_servicetype,     'service_type:s' => $o_servicetype,
  |         't:i'   => $o_timeout,         'timeout:i'     => $o_timeout,
  |         'V'     => $o_version,         'version'       => $o_version,
  |         'c:s'   => $o_crit,            'critical:s'    => $o_crit,
  |         'w:s'   => $o_warn,            'warn:s'        => $o_warn,
  |     'a:s'   => $o_jmxattr,          'attributes:s'  => $o_jmxattr,
  |         'f'     => $o_perf,            'perfdata'      => $o_perf,
  |     'A:s'   => $o_perfattr, 'perf_attributes:s' => $o_perfattr,
  |     );
  |     if (defined($o_help) ) { help(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}};
  |     if (defined($o_version)) { p_version(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}};
  |     if (!defined($o_jmxmbean) || (!defined($o_datatype) && 
  |         { print "No JMX Mbean name or data type 
specified!\n";print_usage(); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}}
  |     if (defined($o_perfattr)) {
  |     @o_perfattrL=split(/,/ ,$o_perfattr) if defined($o_perfattr);
  |     }
  |     if (defined($o_warn) || defined($o_crit) || defined($o_jmxattr)) {
  |     if (defined($o_jmxattr)) {
  |       @o_jmxattrL=split(/,/, $o_jmxattr);
  |       @o_warnLv=split(/,/ ,$o_warn) if defined($o_warn);
  |       @o_critLv=split(/,/ ,$o_crit) if defined($o_crit);
  |     }
  |     else {
  |       print "Specifying warning and critical levels requires '-a' parameter 
with MBEAN attribute names\n";
  |       print_usage();
  |       exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};
  |         }
  |     if (scalar(@o_warnLv)!=scalar(@o_jmxattrL) || 
scalar(@o_critLv)!=scalar(@o_jmxattrL)) {
  |       printf "Number of spefied warning levels (%d) and critical levels 
(%d) must be equal to the number of attributes specified at '-a' (%d). If you 
need to ignore some attribute do it as ',,'\n", scalar(@o_warnLv), 
scalar(@o_critLv), scalar(@o_jmxattrL); 
  |       print_usage();
  |       exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};
  |     }
  |     for (my $i=0; $i<scalar(@o_jmxattrL); $i++) {
  |           $o_warnLv[$i] =~ s/^(\^?[>|<|=|!|~]?)//;
  |           $o_warnLp[$i] = $1;
  |           $o_warnLp[$i] = "~" if !$o_warnLp[$i] && !$o_warnLv[$i];
  |           $o_critLv[$i] =~ s/^([>|<|=|!|~]?)//;
  |           $o_critLp[$i] = $1;
  |           $o_critLp[$i] = "~" if !$o_critLp[$i] && !$o_critLv[$i];
  |           if (($o_warnLp[$i] =~ /^[>|<]/ && !isnum($o_warnLv[$i])) ||
  |               ($o_critLp[$i] =~ /^[>|<]/ && !isnum($o_critLv[$i]))) {
  |             print "Numeric value required when '>' or '<' are used !\n";
  |                 print_usage();
  |                 exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};
  |           }
  |           if (isnum($o_warnLv[$i]) && isnum($o_critLv[$i]) && $o_warnLp[$i] 
eq $o_critLp[$i] && (
  |               ($o_warnLv[$i]>=$o_critLv[$i] && $o_warnLp[$i] !~ /</) ||
  |               ($o_warnLv[$i]<=$o_critLv[$i] && $o_warnLp[$i] =~ /</)
  |              )) {
  |                 print "Problem with warning value $o_warnLv[$i] and 
critical value $o_critLv[$i] :\n";
  |                 print "All numeric warning values must be less then 
critical (or greater then when '<' is used)\n";
  |                 print "Note: to override this check prefix warning value 
with ^\n";
  |                 print_usage();
  |                 exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};
  |           }
  |           $o_warnLp[$i] =~ s/\^//;
  |           $o_warnLp[$i] = '=' if !$o_warnLp[$i] && !isnum($o_warnLv[$i]);
  |           $o_warnLp[$i] = '>' if !$o_warnLp[$i] && isnum($o_warnLv[$i]);
  |           $o_critLp[$i] = '=' if !$o_critLp[$i] && !isnum($o_critLv[$i]);
  |           $o_critLp[$i] = '>' if !$o_critLp[$i] && isnum($o_critLv[$i]);
  |     }
  |     }
  |     if (scalar(@o_jmxattrL)==0 && scalar(@o_perfattrL)==0) {
  |     print "You must specify list of attributes with either '-a' or '-A'\n";
  |     print_usage();
  |     exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};
  |     }
  | }
  | # help function used when checking data against critical and warn values
  | sub check_value {
  |     my ($attrib, $data, $level, $modifier) = @_;
  |     return "" if $modifier eq '~';
  |     return " " . $attrib . " is " . $data . " = " . $level if $modifier eq 
'=' && $data eq $level;
  |     return " " . $attrib . " is " . $data . " != " . $level if $modifier eq 
'!' && $data ne $level;
  |     return " " . $attrib . " is " . $data . " > " . $level if $modifier eq 
'>' && $data>$level;
  |     return " " . $attrib . " is " . $data . " < " . $level if $modifier eq 
'<' && $data<$level;
  |     return "";
  | }
  | # twiddle needs to be able to write to twiddle.log file
  | # this function attempts to make sure it can be done for /tmp/twiddle.log
  | # or if it can not it will try to create new empty directory in /tmp
  | sub changedir {
  |   my $twlogfile="twiddle.log";
  |   my $maxtry=20;
  |   my $twdir_prefix="twlog";
  |   if (!defined($tempdir) || ! -d $tempdir) {
  |     $tempdir="/tmp"
  |   }
  |   my $cnt=0; 
  |   my $twextra="";
  |   do {
  |      $twextra="/".$twdir_prefix.$cnt if $cnt!=0;
  |      if (!chdir($tempdir.$twextra)) {
  |     chdir $tempdir.$twextra if mkdir($tempdir.$twextra,0755);
  |      }
  |      $cnt++;
  |   }
  |   until (open(FLT, ">>", $tempdir.$twextra."/".$twlogfile) || 
  |   if ($cnt<$maxtry) {
  |     close FLT;
  |     chmod 0777, $tempdir.$twextra."/".$twlogfile;
  |   }
  |   else {
  |     print "Unable to find or create directory within $tempdir tree with 
writable $twlogfile file\n";
  |     exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}; 
  |   }
  | }
  | ########## MAIN #######
  | check_options();
  | # Check global timeout if something goes wrong 
  | if (defined($TIMEOUT)) {
  |   verb("Alarm at $TIMEOUT");
  |   alarm($TIMEOUT);
  | } else {
  |   verb("no timeout defined : $o_timeout + 10");
  |   alarm ($o_timeout+10);
  | }
  | my %dataresults;
  | my $statuscode = "OK";
  | my $statusinfo = "";
  | my $statusdata = "";
  | my $perfdata = "";
  | my $chk = "";
  | my $i;
  | # prepare command line that will be called and list of attributes hash array
  | my $twcall=$twiddle;
  | $twcall .= " -s $o_host" if defined($o_host);
  | $twcall .= " get \"" . $o_jmxmbean;
  | $twcall .= ":type=" . $o_datatype if $o_datatype;
  | $twcall .= "\"";
  | $twcall .= ":service=" . $o_servicetype if $o_servicetype;
  | for ($i=0;$i<scalar(@o_jmxattrL);$i++) {
  |   $twcall .= " $o_jmxattrL[$i]";
  |   $dataresults{$o_jmxattrL[$i]} = ["check", undef];
  | }
  | for ($i=0;$i<scalar(@o_perfattrL);$i++) {
  |   $twcall .= " $o_perfattrL[$i]" if 
  |   $dataresults{$o_perfattrL[$i]} = ["perf", undef]; 
  | }
  | # here we actually collect the data and put in our hash, very simple 
  | changedir();
  | verb("Executing $twcall");
  | $tw_pid=open(SHELL_PROCESS,"$twcall 2>&1 |");
  | if (!$tw_pid) {
  |     print "UNKNOWN ERROR - unable to execute $twcall - $!";
  |     exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};
  | }
  | while (<SHELL_PROCESS>) {
  |   foreach $i (keys %dataresults) {
  |     $dataresults{$i}[1] = $1 if /$i=(\w+)\s/;
  |   }
  | }
  | close(SHELL_PROCESS);
  | # main loop to check if warning & critical attributes are ok
  | for ($i=0;$i<scalar(@o_jmxattrL);$i++) {
  |   if (defined($dataresults{$o_jmxattrL[$i]}[1])) {
  |     if ($chk = 
  |     $statuscode = "CRITICAL";
  |         $statusinfo .= $chk;
  |     }
  |     elsif ($chk = 
  |     $statuscode="WARNING" if $statuscode eq "OK";
  |     $statusinfo .= $chk;
  |     }
  |     else {
  |     $statusdata .= "," if ($statusdata);
  |     $statusdata .= " " . $o_jmxattrL[$i] . " is " . 
$dataresults{$o_jmxattrL[$i]}[1] ;
  |     }
  |     $perfdata .= " " . $o_jmxattrL[$i] . "=" . 
$dataresults{$o_jmxattrL[$i]}[1] if defined($o_perf) && 
$dataresults{$o_jmxattrL[$i]}[0] ne "perf"; 
  |   }
  |   else {
  |     $statuscode="CRITICAL";
  |     $statusinfo .= " $o_jmxattrL[$i] data is missing";
  |   }
  | }
  | # add data for performance-only attributes
  | for ($i=0;$i<scalar(@o_perfattrL);$i++) {
  |   if (defined($dataresults{$o_perfattrL[$i]}[1])) {
  |     $perfdata .= " " . $o_perfattrL[$i] . "=" . 
  |   }
  | }
  | print "JBOSS " . $statuscode . $statusinfo;
  | print " -".$statusdata if $statusdata;
  | print " |".$perfdata if $perfdata; 
  | print "\n";
  | exit $ERRORS{$statuscode};

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