Hi all,

I've got an EJB that I have managed to secure using LDAP.  I've got a 
standalone client that can connect, login and invoke methods on the EJB.  
That's all good.

However, I also have a webservice.  The webservice takes three parameters with 
two of the parameters being the username and password to use (principal and 
credentials) to invoke the method on the EJB.

The webservice method sets java.naming.security.principal and 
java.naming.security.credentials in the call to InitialContext, but it always 

What am I missing that I need to do?

For the client to work, I had to create a jndi.properties file with the 
relevant settings in and an auth.conf file to specify the security domain to 
use.  But I don't know if I have to (or how to if I do) do that for the 

Thanks for any help!

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