Hi everyone,

I am trying to add the JBoss tools plugin into eclipse (version 3.3.1).  

I'm following the instuctions (below) from the URL - 
However an error appears when i try to install the feature: SeamTools Feature 
(2.1.2.GA) requires feature "org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.feature" in 
addition to org.eclipse.jst.server.core, 
org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core and org.eclipse.jst.  I've searched 
the web and haven't been able to find them.  If you could help I would 
appreciate your response.  Thanks!

To use JBoss Tools with Eclipse 3.3, start Eclipse, then do the following:
Help > Software Updates > Find and Install... > Search for new features to 
install (radio button) > Next

New Remote Site... (button) 

Enter this information:
Name: JBoss Tools Update Site
URL: http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/stable
Click Finish
When the search completes, check the option JBoss Tools Stable Updates and 
advance through the rest of the wizard
Go get coffee while the plugins download
Click Install All when the download completes. Accept the licenses and restart 
Eclipse when prompted.

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