Looking at the classpath dump, i don't see the second ear (what's the name of 
the ear, by the way) being added to the classpath.

anonymous wrote : With "jboss-app.xml" you mean this ?
  | <bean name="EARClassLoaderDeployer" 
  |   |       <!-- A flag indicating if ear deployments should have their own 
  |   |          class loader to isolate their classes from other deployments.
  |   |       -->      
  |   |       <property name="isolated">false</property>
  |   |    </bean>
  |   |         

No. An optional jboss-app.xml can be packaged by EAR applications in the 
META-INF folder. Usually, that file is used for classloader scoping. If you are 
not using it in the application, that's OK (atleast in this scenario).

The bean definition that you posted has disabled isolated classloader for each 
EAR, so you should have been able to access the class from the other EAR 
(atleast in JBoss-4.x).

In JBoss-5.0, i do know that there have been classloader related configuration 
changes and the recommended way to modify it is through jboss-structure.xml (if 
i am not wrong). But since, i haven't yet used the jboss-structure.xml for 
trying out any application, i am not much aware about how you can get this 
scenario working.

I would recommend that you open a new thread in the JBossAS5 forum 
http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewforum&f=287, with all these 

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