anonymous wrote : This is not a bug. The whole idea of the portal is to let the 
users customize their portal (next version of portal will include dashboard 
  | You want to let the users edit the preferences of a portlet. Let's say you 
want to let one user display 15 posts per forum page and the other display 20. 
  | That's why we have management portlets (for admins). 
  | That said, one custom state could be an administration state restricted to 
some roles.

I suppose I understand what you are saying about the most common use of the 
edit mode and that all users should be able to access it if it is used for 
things like personal settings, etc.  This is the intended use for this mode, I 
know.  But I don't think that it should be taken for granted that this will 
always the case and that the ability to permission the edit mode is not needed. 
 All other portals that I have ever worked with allow you to set permissions on 
the view and edit modes independantly.  Reading this thread, it is clear that 
cases that need this kind of functionality are not that uncommon.

For my case, since I have no user edit functions for my portlet but I have 
admin edit functions, it would be convenient for me to use the edit mode of a 
portlet for admin use.  It may not be the common use but it is a valid use in 
my opinion and should be allowed.  It allows me to take advantage of the built 
in icon in the portal header, etc without having to do extra work.

I looked more closely at the permissions and it looks like the personalize 
option does set permissions for the edit mode.  It's just that you can only set 
them on portal or page instances.  So in theory I could set up a portlet with 
the edit mode only for the admin role - as long as it is OK that all the 
portlets on that page have the same permissions.  But I can't figure out why it 
is set up like that.  Why not keep the permissions consistent at every level.  
There is nothing to be gained by limiting the flexibility in this way.  It just 
makes the permission system less fine-grained.  Maybe it's just that I am used 
to doing things a different way and I have to get used to this new way for it 
to make sense.  I know that these kinds of things are being addressed for 
version 2.6 so maybe all this will be straightened out soon.  I'm not sure what 
dashboard management is, though.  What kind of functionality does that include?

Anyway, thanks for the suggestion of creating a custom mode.  To create a 
custom "admin" mode, would I have to create my own layout and render set if I 
want to add a new icon for the this mode on the portlet header?  Maybe it might 
be easier to just have a link inside the body of the portlet that only appears 
for the admin role.  Then the admin edit functionality can just be a view of 
the portlet that doesn't need a special mode.  Not ideal but it should be 
fairly easy to do.

I'm sure I'll figure something out.  At least I know why what I was trying to 
do won't work.  This forum has really helped me out a lot.

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