 i am testig ejb3 with microcontainer.. (rc9)

you can lookup JNDI with   YourBeanName/local if it is local or  ../remote if 
it is remote

but you might get a ClassCastException, because rather than having back your 
EJBLocal home you could have back a proxy..
that depends on the  CallByValue parameter of your naming service...
that might explain why you can successfully lookup DataSource but you cant 
try to put a try/catch around your JNDI lookup for the EJB.. i m sure you will 
see a ClassCastException while looking up bean...
i got that error with JBossContainer and was able to get over it by setting  
true   in ejb3-deployer.xml
i m not sure what you'd need to do with microcontainer, you might want to post 
your question in microcontainer forum

i had similar problems, resorte to test EEJB using EntityManager directly...


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