
I think the heading 'Personal/Group Tasks' is just misleading in the JSF 
console implementation, as the list only contains those tasks that are actually 
assigned to the current user. But the list does *not* contain those tasks where 
no user is yet assigned, but where the current user is contained in the list of 
pooled-actors,  where he is therefore a candidate for performing the task.


I don't think your patch aligns with the notion of 'groups' as it is used 
within the current jBPM console implementation. In your patched 
ListTaskForActorActionListener version the groups of a user are fetched using 
the jBPM identity module, which are then used as parameter in the 
TaskMgmtSession.findPooledTaskInstances(actorIds) function. In my opinion, the 
term 'group' just has the meaning of a list of comma-separated actorIds as used 
in the pooled-actors attribute, and this is what should rather be passed in 
into the function above, in case the list should display tasks where a user is 
a candidate for.

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