Following up to myself...

I also have a handle DSL that's usable within the actual test-case to build a 
deployment and apply some structure.

  |   it "should use the unit's root as RAILS_ROOT" do
  |     deployment = deploy do
  |       root do
  |         dir 'config', :metadata=>true do
  |           file 'rails-env.yml', :read=>'rails-env/simple-rails-env.yml'
  |         end
  |       end
  |     end
  |     unit       = deployment_unit_for( deployment )
  |     meta_data  = unit.getAttachment( RailsApplicationMetaData.java_class )
  |     meta_data.should_not be_nil
  |     meta_data.getRailsRoot().should eql( unit.getRoot() )
  |     meta_data.getRailsEnv().should eql( 'simply-an-env' )
  |   end

This creates a vfsmemory:// deployment which contains a directory config/ which 
is both a metadata directory and contains a file named rails-env.yml which is 
actually read from one of the test resources of a different name.

Basically, just a handy way to construct a tree VFS from a variety of sources, 
and jacking some StructureMetaData around it at the same time.


fwiw, if you prefer, the alternate Ruby syntax using curlies would be

  |     deployment = deploy {
  |       root {
  |         dir( 'config', :metadata=>true ) {
  |           file 'rails-env.yml', :read=>'rails-env/simple-rails-env.yml'
  |         }
  |       }
  |     }


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