We finally were able to reproduce this issue. This issue arises because of 
Classpath entries in MANIFEST.MF of the ejb jar files. Looking at the 
MANIFEST.MF files your application has set the Classpath attribute to point to 
other ejb jar deployments. This leads to incorrect handling of the bean 
deployment for such jar (and the jars referred in the Classpath attribute). 
These issues are now being tracked here:



To get your application working on the current AS-5.x till these issues are 
fixed, here's what you can do:

1) Remove the Classpath entries (completely) from the MANIFEST.MF of the jar 
2) JEE5 packaging provides a simpler way of adding jars to classpath. All plain 
jar files (i.e. not EJB deployments) can be placed in a folder named "lib" at 
the root of the EAR:

  | ifsapp.ear
  |  |
  |  |
  |  |--- META-INF
  |  |  |--- application.xml
  |  |
  |  |
  |  |--- lib
  |  |  | --- xyz.jar (plain jar files)
  |  |  | --- more plain jar files
  |  |
  |  |
  |  |--- ejbjar1.jar
  |  |  
  |  |--- ejbjar2.jar
  |  |
  |  |--- myapp.war
  |  |
  |  |--- 

3) All EJB deployments can then be placed at the root of the EAR and marked as 
a EJB module in the application.xml (this you already do).

Make sure you don't have any ejb jars in the EAR/lib folder. Everything in the 
lib folder will be available in the classpath of all the components (ejbjar1, 
ejbjar2, war...) in the EAR.

P.S: This packaging is portable across servers since the "lib" folder (which 
can be configured to be named different) is defined by JEE5 spec.

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