
Many thanks !!! I cannot thank you enough !!! Thank you !!! Thank you !!! Thank 
you !!!

I just realized that up till today, I have been WRONGLY copying all the 
physical files and messing up my JBoss AS server's libraries. Unbelievable!!! I 
cannot believe how I ended up in this mess and yet got my programs to work thus 
far by physically copying the files !!!

You are absolutely right !!! The best way is to create a lib folder within 
Eclipse and copy and paste directly any library or jar files you may need 
through the Package Explorer IDE.

What happens is that Eclipse will create that lib folder I just created within 
the Eclipse IDE physically into the Windows file system under the Eclipse 
workspace and in your relevant application's project folder. So for example you 
would have all your library files in a folder like this : 

It can be very confusing ... yes, it can be. I mean, how many lib folders can 
you see in a typical Java programmer's PC. There's one in the JDK, one the JRE, 
two lib folders in the JBoss AS server directory and also one lib folder each 
Hibernate package you download. There are also many common files with the same 
names splattered everywhere...such as javaassist.jar (there's one in JBoss and 
one in the JDK.1.5.0_14). Also one can be confused with where to save 
ojcbd14.jar, for example.

With respect to ojcbd14.jar, if I installed my Oracle client and it saved 
ojcbd14.jar in Folder A, what would happen if I get an updated version of 
Oracle (for example 11)? The same with my Hibernate packages I downloaded. What 
do I do with all the zip and gz.tar files? I have to uncompress and expand them 
to some folder. So if I want to use hibernate-entitymanager-3.4.0.jar, for 
example, is it correct do download hibernate-entitymanager-3.4.0.zip from the 
Hibernate download site and then expand it to C:\hibernate-entitymanager-3.4.0 
and then copy the resulting hibernate-entitymanager.jar into my lib folder 
within Eclipse? I think that's probably the way so that 
hibernate-entitymanager.jar would be copied into my project's lib folder and 
not affect others. I guess the downside is there will be a lot of duplicate 
files for each project setup. I thought just copying the most updated jar ONLY 
ONCE to the JBoss\server\lib folder would suffice to serve all the Java apps I 
create !
 which uses JBoss. I was wrong. Anyway, I will have to try to adapt to this new 
habit right away. Thanks once again!

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