Ok it seems my ActionHandler was wrong.

But now another problem. It seems jBPM wants to log the exception in the 
database, and that tjis exception is too long for mysql column :

106375 [http-8080-Processor23] WARN org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter - 
SQL Error: 0, SQLState: 22001
  | 106375 [http-8080-Processor23] ERROR 
org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter - Data truncation: Data too long for 
column 'EXCEPTION_' at row 1
  | 01:54:05,734 ERROR WSCreerDemande:137 - error when processing creerDemande 
: org.jbpm.graph.def.DelegationException: could not insert: 
  | org.jbpm.graph.def.DelegationException: could not insert: 

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