I am trying to make LAMS project work on JBoss 5.
Recently we started using ContextSingletonBeanFactoryLocator in Spring. So we 
declared in our WARs:

  | <param-name>contextConfigLocation</param-name>
  | </context-param>
  | <context-param>
  |    <param-name>locatorFactorySelector</param-name>
  | </context-param>
  | <context-param>
  |     <param-name>parentContextKey</param-name>
  |     <param-value>context.central</param-value>
  | </context-param>

Even if we add

  | <context-param>
  |     <param-name>contextClass</param-name>
  | </context-param>

it will not work. I guess VFSXmlWebApplicationContext is used only for 
contextConfigLocation parameter. For locating beanRefFactory.xml files 
PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver is used and it does not "understand" VFS. 
Is there a solution (class, parameter, workaround) to make it work?

But there is more important issue. In LAMS we have only one beanRefContext.xml, 
so we can get rid of the wildcards. But the file itself reads:

  | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  | <beans>
  |     <bean id="context.central"
  |      <constructor-arg>
  |        <list>
  |        </list>
  |      </constructor-arg>
  |     </bean>
  | </beans>

As you can see, we use wildcards to scan for Application Context files in all 
of our tools. Since some tools can be deployed or not, we can not write a full, 
proper list of tools. Discovery by wildcards in classpath is a very useful 
solution for us.

But it also stopped working, same reason - VFS bug. We tried to use 
VFSXmlWebApplicationContext, but it does not take list of paths as a 
constructor argument.
Is there something similar to VFSXmlWebApplicationContext, but inheriting from 
ClassPathXmlApplicationContext (thus having the needed constructor) and 
supporting VFS?
Or maybe you know a workaround?

A quick reply would be appreciated, as we are about to start using JBoss 5 and 
this is one of not many issues preventing us from doing it.

Thank you,
Marcin Cieslak

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