One strange thing I noticed: when I try to know the active node, I'm doing:
Token currentToken = processInstance.getRootToken();
Node currentNode = currentToken.getNode();

The strange thing is that the token is not null, but every value of its 
properties is null:

currentToken    Token_$$_javassist_187  (id=160)        
  |     children        null    
  |     comments        null    
  |     end     null    
  |     handler JavassistLazyInitializer  (id=183)      
  |     id      0       
  |     isAbleToReactivateParent        true    
  |     isSuspended     false   
  |     isTerminationImplicit   false   
  |     lock    null    
  |     name    null    
  |     nextLogIndex    0       
  |     node    null    
  |     nodeEnter       null    
  |     parent  null    
  |     processInstance null    
  |     start   null    
  |     subProcessInstance      null    
  |     version 0       

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