I am trying to deploy distributed caching for a single entity.  I am running 
JBoss AS 5.1.0 with jdk 1.5.  I have two nodes running on two separate servers 
in a single partition.

I see the caching work fine on each single node but the cache does not 
replicate/invalidate between the two nodes (I'd like to use invalidation).

Test case:
1. Ran a JUnit test that loaded the entity on node1 and node2  so it was in the 
cache on each node in the partition.
2. Ran a JUnit test that changed the entity on node1.
3. Ran a JUnit test that loaded the entity on node1 and node2.  

>From looking at logging in both of the servers I can tell that node2 has the 
>stale version (grabbed the entity from its cache instead of reloading it).  I 
>also have looked at the database log to verify that node2 did not try to load 
>the entity when I requested it after it was changed by node1.

I added this to my entity class:

  | import org.hibernate.annotations.Cache;
  | import org.hibernate.annotations.CacheConcurrencyStrategy;
  | @Cache (usage=CacheConcurrencyStrategy.TRANSACTIONAL)

I added this to my persistence unit.

  |             <property name="hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache" 
  |             <property name="hibernate.cache.use_query_cache" value="true"/>
  |             <property name="hibernate.cache.region.factory_class" 
  |             <property name="hibernate.cache.region.jbc2.cachefactory" 
  |             <property name="hibernate.cache.region.jbc2.cfg.entity" 
  | <!-- Removing this had no effect
  |             <property name="hibernate.cache.region.jbc2.cfg.query" 
  | -->

Is there some other attribute that must be set in order to have a node notify 
the other nodes in the partition when a cached entity has changed?  mvcc-entity 
has the property cacheMode set to INVALIDATION_SYNC.  I figured that would do 
it.  I also tried using pessimistic-entity but had no luck.

The only change that I have made to jboss-cache-manager-jboss-beans.xml is to 
set the multiplexer property to ${jboss.default.jgroups.stack:tcp} (did not 
want to use udp).  I did this for each cache entry in this file.

For example,

  |    <!-- A config appropriate for entity/collection caching that uses MVCC 
locking -->
  |    <entry><key>mvcc-entity</key>
  |    <value>      
  |       <bean name="MVCCEntityCache" 
  |          <!-- Node locking scheme -->
  |          <property name="nodeLockingScheme">MVCC</property>
  |          <!-- READ_COMMITTED is as strong as necessary for most 
  |               2nd Level Cache use cases. -->
  |          <property name="isolationLevel">READ_COMMITTED</property>
  |          <property name="useLockStriping">false</property>
  |          <!-- Mode of communication with peer caches.        
  |               INVALIDATION_SYNC is highly recommended as the mode for use
  |               with entity and collection caches.     -->
  |          <property name="cacheMode">INVALIDATION_SYNC</property> 
  |          <!-- Name of cluster. Needs to be the same for all members -->
  |          <property 
  |          <!-- Use a UDP (multicast) based stack. A udp-sync stack might be
  |               slightly better (no JGroups FC) but we stick with udp to
  |               help ensure this cache and others like timestamps-cache
  |               that require FC can use the same underlying JGroups resources.
  |          <property 
  |          -->
  |          <!-- Use TCP -->
  |          <property 
  |          <!-- Whether or not to fetch state on joining a cluster. -->
  |          <property name="fetchInMemoryState">false</property>
  |          <!-- The max amount of time (in milliseconds) we wait until the
  |            state (ie. the contents of the cache) are retrieved from
  |            existing members at startup. Ignored if 
FetchInMemoryState=false. -->
  |          <property name="stateRetrievalTimeout">60000</property>
  |          <!-- Number of milliseconds to wait until all responses for a
  |                synchronous call have been received. -->
  |          <property name="syncReplTimeout">17500</property>
  |          <!-- Max number of milliseconds to wait for a lock acquisition -->
  |          <property name="lockAcquisitionTimeout">15000</property>
  |          <!-- Hibernate 2LC can replicate custom types, so we use 
marshalling -->
  |          <property name="useRegionBasedMarshalling">true</property>
  |          <!-- Must match the value of "useRegionBasedMarshalling" -->
  |          <property name="inactiveOnStartup">true</property>
  |          <!-- Disable asynchronous RPC marshalling/sending -->
  |          <property name="serializationExecutorPoolSize">0</property>        
  |          <!-- We have no asynchronous notification listeners -->
  |          <property name="listenerAsyncPoolSize">0</property>
  |          <property name="evictionConfig">
  |              <bean class="org.jboss.cache.config.EvictionConfig">
  |                <property name="wakeupInterval">5000</property>
  |                <!--  Overall default -->
  |                <property name="defaultEvictionRegionConfig">
  |                   <bean class="org.jboss.cache.config.EvictionRegionConfig">
  |                      <property name="regionName">/</property>
  |                      <property name="evictionAlgorithmConfig">
  |                         <bean 
  |                            <!-- Evict LRU node once we have more than this 
number of nodes -->
  |                            <property name="maxNodes">10000</property>
  |                            <!-- And, evict any node that hasn't been 
accessed in this many seconds -->
  |                            <property 
  |                            <!-- Don't evict a node that's been accessed 
within this many seconds. 
  |                                 Set this to a value greater than your max 
expected transaction length. -->
  |                            <property 
  |                         </bean>
  |                      </property>
  |                   </bean>
  |                </property>
  |                <property name="evictionRegionConfigs">
  |                   <list>
  |                      <!--  Don't ever evict modification timestamps -->
  |                      <bean 
  |                         <property name="regionName">/TS</property>
  |                         <property name="evictionAlgorithmConfig">
  |                            <bean 
  |                         </property>
  |                      </bean>
  |                   </list>
  |                </property>
  |             </bean>
  |          </property>
  |       </bean>
  |    </value>
  |    </entry>


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