We are using Jboss Portal 2.7.1, Portletbridge 1.0.0.CR2, Seam 2.1.1 and 
Richfaces 3.3.1.

We did some bulk tests to get a feeling how many users can be handled by the 
portal. During the tests we found a memory leak in the class 

The class has an inner static class called LRUMap that holds the state of the 
Portlets using an identifier that consists of mode, sessionid and an uuid. 
There are 3 methods that cooperate with the LRUMap:

  | public void addWindowState(StateId stateId, PortletWindowState state);
  | public PortletWindowState getWindowState(StateId stateId);
  | private void removeSessionStates(String scopeId);

For each request a new window state is added. The problem is that the method 
removeSessionStates is never called. It should be called from the method

  | public void valueUnbound(HttpSessionBindingEvent event)

which implements the interface HttpSessionBindingListener, 

Now I have 3 questions:
1) Where is the SessionBindingEvent registered?
2) What does the class PortletStateHolder do? As I can see it's responsible for 
holding the state between the different phases in JSF? Is that right?
3) Can I savely remove the states in a filter after each request processing or 
is it necessary to hold the state within a session?

Thanks Rene

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