-When a Bean Jar file (composed of Remote,Home interfaces and a bean class 
Package)  is deployed to the JBoss Java EJB 3.0 directory,does the client 
program calling JBoss need acces to a local a copy of this jar as well? 

-In the JBoss EJB 3.0 Tutorial for Stateless EJB's, how is it that the client 
can access the Calculator  class in any way at all?
Isn't the idea that one refer to the bean through it's interfaces

I am clear on accessing remote beans and interfaces by their JNDI publicised 
names.  In am simply unclear on how/why the bean package name itself is 
referenced in any way at all.

Calculator calculator = (Calculator) ctx.lookup("CalculatorBean/remote");

CalculatorBean seems to be the name of the jar file, and hence the name 
publicised to JBoss' JNDI server.

However, shouldn't Calculator be hidden from the client?
IF not, how does one confgiure JBoss server to only allow bean access through 



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