What you mean by "the page attempts to render the file"? To me that means that 
the server processes the files and attempts to generate HTML based on their 
contents. If you really mean that, then there must be some mapping in you 
web.xml file that maps files with those extensions to some servlet.

If, instead, you mean that when clicking on the link the browser attempts to 
"run" them, and doesn't give the option of saving them, then go to the 
server/xxx/deploy/jboss-web.deployer/conf/web.xml file. At the end of that file 
there is a long list of mime mappings. You could add mappings there for msi and 
cab - using the same mime-type as zip would probably work, or you could google 
for a more accurate mime type.

Finally, often the choice of running a file rather than allowing you to save it 
is based on file extension and mime mapping kept within the browser. Check 
those mappings in your browser.

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