I am following the guide at http://www.jboss.org/community/wiki/SSLSetup and 
have gotten to the point where JBoss is requesting the client certificate but I 
keep getting a 401 denied error and a log entry of 

  | 12:46:13,140 DEBUG [UsersRolesLoginModule] Bad password for 
username=CN=ClientCert, O=SomeCA, OU=SomeCAOrg

I am using the ant script to generate all the certificates but don't see where 
this error is coming from.  My jmx-console-roles.properties file has an entry 
as follows

  | CN\=ClientCert,\ O\=SomeCA,\ OU\=SomeCAOrg=JBossAdmin

Any help as to what could be causing this error would be appreciated.

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