
I hava an app which runs on JBoss 4.* with the JNDI connection datasource 
pooling named testDs,and sometimes it does not work.At that time I view the 
"jboss.system"-"type=ServerInfo" in jmx-console,invoke the "java.lang.String 
listThreadDump()" operation button and find there are several BLOCKING state 
threads which indicate they are blocking in getting datasource connection. 

In the meantime,i try to view 
"jboss.jca"-"name=testDs,service=ManagedConnectionPool" in jmx-console,but find 
there is no response when i click that link,which means i could't access the 
attribute page for the testDs connection pooling.When i restart the JBoss,it 
works.Anybody knows how this happened? What lead to the connnection pooling 
attribute page can't be accessible? 

Your reply will by most appreciated.

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