The threads are coming from my client application - there is a thread per http 
request and at the end of the request it calls send(). Hundreds of these 
threads are created every minute so if the call to send() blocks then it 
doesn't take long for the blocking to overwhelm the VM. I guess I could 
re-architect my application to put the messages in a queue and have one thread 
pull the messages off and send them, this just feels a bit like I'm 
implementing something which could (should?) be in the messaging client.

As for the ExceptionListener solution, I thought about this too. I have JBM 
setup to auto-reconnect so I don't actually get an exception when the server 
goes down (I just see some warning messages in the logs). From what I can tell 
the sender queues up the messages in the background. When the server comes 
back, only then does my ExceptionListener callback get called, at which point I 
redo the JNDI lookup and recreate the connections and sessions etc. This works 
well. I think if I set JBM not to auto-connect then the ExceptionListener 
callback is called right away when the server goes down, but then I have to do 
my own reconnect logic. I'm happy with this ExceptionListener logic, it would 
just be nice to be able to throw messages away instead of blocking, but maybe I 
should code this up myself.

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