I've done quite a bunch of multilingual portal projects, not all of them in 
Java technology, but I have a particular problem here. I'm setting up the new 
version of a dynamic site that extracts quite a bunch of textual content from a 
database. This content is not available in any other language than French and 
the site is targeted to French-speaking users. Now the default language of the 
portal is English even on a server that has FR as default language. The site 
(JBP 2.4) has CMS content in French and no content in English.
So basically when someone connects to the site with a browser configured to 
request content in another language than French he/she get quite a bunch of 404 
error portlets.
I would like to be able to enforce the portal to deliver content in FR or at 
least have FR as default for unauthentified users.
Is this strange behaviour related to the following error message I get at 
startup ?
2006-10-07 20:13:27,406 INFO  [org.apache.myfaces.config.FacesConfigurator] 
Reading config /WEB-INF/faces-config.xml
  | 2006-10-07 20:13:27,578 ERROR [org.apache.myfaces.util.LocaleUtils] Locale 
name null or empty, ignoring

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