Hi, I finally got that working.
Now the problem is with my Client.java code.

Here is the errors I am getting:

  | ...
  | Test:
  |     [junit] Testsuite: com.ip6networks.calling_card_registration.test.Client
  |     [junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Time elapsed: 1.497 sec
  |     [junit] 
  |     [junit] ------------- Standard Error -----------------
  |     [junit] javax.naming.NamingException: Could not dereference object 
[Root exception is java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException]
  |     [junit]     at 
  |     [junit]     at 

Here is the Client.java source code:

  | package com.ip6networks.calling_card_registration.test;
  | import junit.framework.*;
  | import  com.ip6networks.calling_card_registration.test.Calculator;
  | import  com.ip6networks.calling_card_registration.test.CalculatorRemote;
  | import  com.ip6networks.calling_card_registration.test.ServiceLocator;
  | public class Client extends TestCase
  | {
  |    public void testCalculator() throws Exception
  |    {
  |       Calculator calculator = getSession();
  |       System.out.println("in Client class");
  |       System.out.println("1 + 1 = " + calculator.add(1, 1));
  |       System.out.println("1 - 1 = " + calculator.subtract(1, 1));
  |    }
  |       private static Calculator  getSession() throws Exception {
  |              Calculator  mgr = null;
  |              mgr = (Calculator) 
  |                 if (mgr == null) {
  |                         //throw new SystemErrorException("Unable to connect 
to service");
  |                         throw new Exception("Unable to connect to service");
  |                 } else {
  |                         return mgr;
  |                 }
  |         }
  | }

Source code for ServiceLocator.java:

  | package com.ip6networks.calling_card_registration.test;
  |  import javax.naming.Context;
  |  import javax.naming.InitialContext;
  |  import java.util.*;
  |  import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
  |  import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
  | public class ServiceLocator {
  |     private Map<String, java.lang.Object> cache;
  |     private static ServiceLocator ourInstance = new ServiceLocator();
  |     private static final Log logger = LogFactory
  |         .getLog(ServiceLocator.class);
  |     public static ServiceLocator getInstance() {
  |         return ourInstance;
  |     }
  |     private ServiceLocator() {
  |         this.cache = Collections.synchronizedMap(
  |                 new HashMap<String, java.lang.Object>());
  |     }
  |     public java.lang.Object getService(String serviceName) {
  |         String serviceHost = "";
  |         if (this.cache.containsKey(serviceName)) {
  |             return this.cache.get(serviceName);
  |         }
  |             try {
  |                 java.lang.Object service = this.getContext(
  |                         serviceHost).lookup(
  |                                 serviceName + "Bean/remote");
  |                 cache.put(serviceName, service);
  |                 return service;
  |             } catch (Exception e) {
  |                 e.printStackTrace();
  |                 logger.error("Unable to bind to service "
  |                                    + serviceName + ". Hostname: " + 
serviceHost, e);
  |                 return null;
  |             } catch (Throwable e) {
  |                 e.printStackTrace();
  |                 logger.error("Unable to bind to service "
  |                                    + serviceName + ". Hostname: " + 
serviceHost, e);
  |                 return null;
  |             }
  |     }
  |     public java.lang.Object getService(String serviceName, String 
serviceHost) {
  |         String key = serviceHost + "." + serviceName;
  |         if (this.cache.containsKey(key)) {
  |             return this.cache.get(key);
  |         } else {
  |             try {
  |                 java.lang.Object service = this.getContext(
  |                         serviceHost).lookup(
  |                                 serviceName + "Bean/remote");
  |                 cache.put(key, service);
  |                 return service;
  |             } catch (Exception e) {
  |                 logger.error("Unable to bind to service "
  |                                    + serviceName + ". Hostname: " + 
  |                 return null;
  |             }
  |         }
  |     }
  |     private Context getContext(String serviceHost) throws 
  |     {
  |         Properties properties = new Properties();
  |         properties.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY,
  |                        "org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory");
  |         properties.put(Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES,
  |                        "org.jboss.naming:org.jnp.interfaces");
  |         properties.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, serviceHost + ":1099");
  |         return new InitialContext(properties);
  |     }
  | }
If I run this code in the jboss environment (that is 
/usr/java-source/ejb3-tutorial/source/stateless), it runs well.


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