Take the scenario, I have created a portlet DemoPortlet with instance name 
Now I decided to undeploy the DemoPortlet.war file and Again I created one more 
Portlet with name TestPortlet and here I created the Instance name as 
DemoPortletInstance. Which is same as above portlet which I already undeployed.

Now what is there on the admin screen. Portlet definition is created correctly 
but Portlet Instance is not displayed under Portlet Instances tab under Admin 
tab. Now If I try to create the instance name DemoPortletInstance manually then 
it is not creating that instance and in logs it says that instance already 
But I cann't use that instance in the application.

Please let me know if anyone has faced the same problem and got any solution 
for the same

I am using jboss-portal-2.7.0.
I tested this problem on Windows and Linux OS.


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