I found my above huge descriptive problem working now. 

1) First of all I changed the entire machine because there are some netwroking 
issues with that as I can not access my jboss using IP and Tomcat status on web 
console was showing that jBoss is only bind with

2) Secondly when I copied over the same setup to other machine with no network 
issues i had same issue. I just copied over my working server directory to 
other server and changed the name to Server2 with unique ServerPeerID and its 
start working. 

3) One more thing which is worth mentioning here is that I was using Service 
Binding Manager with port-01 settings which I just changed back to default.


I think you miss posted your above POST...anyway I am not a huge jboss geek 
like other people here but just copy your(part of) 'web.xml' where you have 
defined the distributable tag. It should be;

That's it.

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