
* Thanks for the specifics on why the handling of deployment descriptor 
whitespace changed. Yes, with a more-compliant application server schema, "I 
was adding the extra whitespace" - point taken.

* We are all set on the reading of a read-only resource.

* Tom Marrs wrote about 3 classloaders; system, current, and thread. He ruled 
out use of the first 2 for known reasons and then stated why you should use the 
later. This is what my code is doing; access the classloader through the 
current Thread.
anonymous wrote : 
  | You gain access to the current Thread Context ClassLoader by calling 
Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(). ... Use the Thread Context 
Class Loader for the following reasons:

* On the use of the reflection API and ClassLoader, the listed restrictions 
state that what I wanted to do with the ClassLoader was legal
anonymous wrote : 
  | Contrary to common belief, most of the Java Reflection API can be used from 
EJB components. For example, loadClass() and invoke() can both be used by 
enterprise beans. Only certain reflection methods are forbidden. 

Thanks for taking the time on this.


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