
Yes, it probably is better in portal now that you mention it, but I really 
don't want to cross post now. 

I am using JBossAS-4.0.3 SP1. The database is hibernate. It is the 
pre-configured JBoss that comes with Pentaho (1.2 RC2), but it is not Pentaho 
(at the moment) that I am struggling with. I will do a custom install when I 
get a bit more comfortable with the platform.

The issue is that I have had to go to manual editting of files, because almost 
all portal settings through the GUI have been wiped after portal restart. I 
have given all the privileges that I can to the admin user and a portal user. I 
have also chmod'd everything to see what is going on.

I have noticed odd behavior with the admin side on IE (does not work here) 
versus Firefox. I am sticking with Firefox for the configuration.

I appreciate your thoughts.


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