Hey Ron, sorry for not replying to this.... I got distracted after your email 
and forgot to come back to it then :)

Anway... not sure I follow :)

As I see it, the issue on the client side will not be with "text/*" mime types 
since it seems to me that the issue is that the "text/*" types are coming back 
"wrapped" as a binary type in an InvocationResponse and the fact that it's 
"text/plain" underneath has been lost.  I hope that makes sense :)

So it seems to me like the Server to Client Marshal/Unmarshal process is 
missing a piece of info and an additional client side step.  From memory, I 
think the http jbrserver-to-jbrclient response process for e.g. "text/plain" is 
as follows:

  | 1. [serverapp] return a String ("text/plain") response payload 
  |     2. [jbrserver] wrap "text/plain" response payload in an 
InvocationResponse (serialized String I think)
  |         3. [jbrserver] change content-type to "application/something" 
because it's an InvocationResponse.
  |             4. [jbrserver] marshal response to client
  |             5. [jbrclient] unmarshal response from server
  |         6. [jbrclient] return payload from InvocationResponse - 
content-type is "application/something"
  |     7. [clientapp] Use  binary response (serialized String I think)???

So I was thinking there was a piece of info missing in the InvocationResponse 
that tells the JBR Client that the payload is actually a serialized object and 
the base content type is "text/plain".

  | 1. [serverapp] return a String ("text/plain") response payload 
  |     2. [jbrserver] wrap "text/plain" response payload in an 
  |         3. [jbrserver] change content-type to "application/something" 
because it's an InvocationResponse - store "base-content-type" = "text/plain".
  |             4. [jbrserver] marshal response to client
  |             5. [jbrclient] unmarshal response from server
  |         6. [jbrclient] extract payload from InvocationResponse - it's a 
serialized object... base-content-type = "text/plain"
  |     7. [jbrclient] Deserialize payload to String - set response 
content-type back to "text/plain"
  | 8. [clientapp] Use  String response ("text/plain")

Hope I'm making sense Ron :)

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