I've managed to reproduce the issue using only JMS API (no management code).
It seems the problem is related to global depaging.

The code to show the problem is SenderWithoutManagement attached to 
https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBMESSAGING-1695 and the settings in 

  | <global-page-size>10485760</global-page-size> 
  | <paging-max-global-size-bytes>104857600</paging-max-global-size-bytes> 

The example does the steps:
1/ ceate a temp queue
2/ create a consumer for the temp queue
3/ send a message on the temp queue
4/ consume the message from the temp queue using the consumer

5/ send 50000 messages on *another queue*

6/ send a message on the temp queue
7/ consume the message from the temp queue using the consumer open at #2

The 1st time, the example runs fine.
The 2nd time, step #7 fails as the consumer does not receive a message from the 

Even if I increase the number of messages sent to another queue e.g. to 400000, 
the issue appears only on the 2nd run.

This is similar to the issue reported by the user as the management code used 
internally a client consumer which is used for the lifespan of the messaging 

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