anonymous wrote : Or even better, you provide me with your valid use cases,
  | and I'll include this as part of Deployers impl / tests, 
I'd be happy to provide the use cases that we have. 

The requirement we have today is to support sub-deployments that are located in 
sub directories. This is required so that we are backward compatible. For ESB 5 
we can look having more strict deployment rules, such as wars should be 
packaged in a wars directory for example. 

For us it would be great to have a StructureDeployer implementation that takes 
a suffix for the type of deployment being deployed. We'd also need this 
deployer to be able have the option of supporting all types of sub-deployments.

I've tried extending the JarStructure but that did not really work for me. I'm 
now trying just to extend AbstractVFSStructureDeployer and making this as 
flexible as possible. 

Not sure if that was the type of use case you meant. I've got some unit test 
for this too. Let me know if you'd like them and I'll send you them (they are 
not checked in).

anonymous wrote : 
  | as I see this should be a good use case - nice structure deployers 
  | Hence any future demand should be easy - having this as an impl entry 
It would be really nice to have something like this I think:)



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