The 'struggling' guy would be me ;-)

The Realm configuration was a last minute addition just before the 4.1 release. 
I followed the Tomcat doc to get a separate Realm for the jbpm-console (by 
adding a config in /conf/catalina/localhost/jbpm-console), but that didn't 
work. I also tried to narrow the realm to the /jbpm-console path obnly in the 
config, but that didn't work either.

So I picked the easy path... The realm configuration certainly needs a revision 
and I would appreciate any pointers in the right direction, since like I said 
I'm hitting a wall with the official tomcat doc. But I do want us to have a 
separate realm.

To answer your initial question: what about adding a manager role + user with 
that role to JBPM4_ID_GROUP, USER, etc?

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