
I'm using a Seam component in birt report (from a scripted datasource).
When I try to access a Seam Component from a birt report and when I use embed 
mode(designType="embed"), Seam component is always null.
When I use designType="run", everything works fine.

I don't understand why.
It appears to me to have a relation with UIDocument's logic when we call 
JBossBirtServlet with an URLConnection :
URL birtURL = new URL(urlString);
  | URLConnection connection = birtURL.openConnection();
  | InputStream stream = connection.getInputStream();
When I change this code from UIDocument code to use requestDispatcher.include, 
it works fine.

Should I open a JIRA issue (with test case) ?

Thanks for your help !

My jsf page output :
The following items have errors:
  | ReportDesign (id = 1):
  | + There are errors evaluating script 
  | importPackage(Packages.org.apache.log4j);
  | sampleReportList = Component.getInstance("sampleReportList", false);
  | logger = Logger.getLogger("com.natixis.birt");
  | logger.warn("sampleReportList = "+sampleReportList);
  | reportsIterator = sampleReportList.getNames().iterator();
  | ":
  | {1}.
  | Error.ScriptEvaluationError ( 1 time(s) )detail : 
org.eclipse.birt.report.engine.api.EngineException: There are errors evaluating 
  | sampleReportList = Component.getInstance("sampleReportList", false);
  | logger = Logger.getLogger("com.natixis.birt");
  | logger.warn("sampleReportList = "+sampleReportList);
  | reportsIterator = sampleReportList.getNames().iterator();":{1}.
  | at 
  | ...
  | Caused by: org.eclipse.birt.data.engine.core.DataException: A BIRT 
exception occurred: There are errors evaluating script "__bm_OPEN()":TypeError: 
Cannot call method "getNames" of null (<inline>#7). See next exception for more 
information.There are errors evaluating script "__bm_OPEN()":TypeError: Cannot 
call method "getNames" of null (<inline>#7)       at 
  | TypeError: Cannot call method "getNames" of null (<inline>#7)       at 
  | ...
  | + There are errors evaluating script "if( !( reportsIterator.hasNext()) ){
  |  return( false );
  | }
  | var report = reportsIterator.next();
  | row["Name"] = report;
  | return ( true );":
  | {1}.
  | Error.ScriptEvaluationError ( 1 time(s) )detail : 
org.eclipse.birt.report.engine.api.EngineException: There are errors evaluating 
script "if( !( reportsIterator.hasNext()) ){      return( false );}var report = 
reportsIterator.next();row["Name"] = report;return ( true );":{1}.        at ...
 A BIRT exception occurred: There are errors evaluating script 
"__bm_FETCH()":ReferenceError: "reportsIterator" n'est pas 
défini (<inline>#2). See next exception for more 
information.There are errors evaluating script "__bm_FETCH()":ReferenceError: 
"reportsIterator" n'est pas defini (<inline>#2) at 
org.eclipse.birt.data.engine.core.DataException.wrap(DataException.java:118) at 
  | ...
  | + data.engine.BadFetchScriptReturnType

My sysout :
17:10:52,979 WARN  [birt] sampleReportList = null
  | 17:10:53,042 ERROR [STDERR] 22 sept. 2009 17:10:53 
org.eclipse.birt.report.engine.script.internal.DtEScriptExecutor handleJS
  | ATTENTION: A BIRT exception occurred: There are errors evaluating script 
  | TypeError: Cannot call method "getNames" of null (<inline>#7). See next 
exception for more information.
  | There are errors evaluating script "__bm_OPEN()":
  | TypeError: Cannot call method "getNames" of null (<inline>#7)
  | org.eclipse.birt.data.engine.core.DataException: A BIRT exception occurred: 
There are errors evaluating script "__bm_OPEN()":
  | TypeError: Cannot call method "getNames" of null (<inline>#7). See next 
exception for more information.
  | There are errors evaluating script "__bm_OPEN()":
  | TypeError: Cannot call method "getNames" of null (<inline>#7)
  |     at 
  |     at 
  |     at 

And the open method from my scripted datasource  :

  | importPackage(Packages.org.jboss.seam);
  | importPackage(Packages.org.apache.log4j);
  | sampleReportList = Component.getInstance("sampleReportList", false);
  | logger = Logger.getLogger("com.natixis.birt");
  | logger.warn("sampleReportList = "+sampleReportList);
  | reportsIterator = sampleReportList.getNames().iterator();

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