
There are some questions about clusterization of Seam contexts and entitiy 
beans. Let's say I have an entity bean, which is scoped to be in Session 

1) If i configure cluster cache on entity level (EJB3EntityTreeCache + @Cache 
annotations in entities), will it be working if I access the same entity from 
other cluster node? As I understand, when referencing seam component by 
component's name, Seam looks for the component instance in the context first of 
all. So, does seam replicates instance of the component between contexts in 
different cluster nodes?

2) Is there a way to make the whole context to be replicated across all cluster 
nodes? Let's say I want to replicate session context (assuming that this 
context contains minimal set of information in order to avoid locks in 
TreeCache), is it possible?

3) If it is possible to use both approaches, which of them is more efficient 
and correct?

4) Is there any documentation on clustering approaches in Seam?

Thank you in advance!

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