Hello everyone.

I have a problem that I really need to resolve as fast as possible. 
I have an EJB3 application deployed on JBoss 5.1.0.GA. 
Consuming those EJB3 with remote clients in other applications also deployed in 
JBoss 5 works fine.
But the problem is that I need to consume one EJB3 in a client that has to be 
deployed in a JBoss 4.2.3.GA. 
I always get ClassCastException, I imagine because of diferent ClassLoaders. 
I can't find anywhere what I have to do. I tryed to put several JBoss5 jars in 
the classpath of the application running in JBoss 4, but still can't manage to 
make it work.
The articles I found about ClassLoaders are usualy about isolating applications 
running in the same JBoss, but I want to consume in a remote client in a 
diferent JBoss.
Please, can somebody tell me or lead me to some article or document to help me?



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