"Olivier_Debels" wrote : "cpob" wrote : 
  |   | Making the change to support the AUTOCREATE column is far simpler than 
creating an optional task node.  All that is needed is the if..statement in 
TaskNode's execute method and then support for the new column in the 
  | Yep, I agree.
  | I this also useable if you want to create 2 mandatory and 3 optional 
instances of the same task def?

Yes, that is what we would be using it for.  It would allow the task to control 
it's fate for creation.

"Olivier_Debels" wrote : And what if the task def is not defined in a task 
node?  I don't think a ref to task defs is possible. 
  | Just wandering if the task/task node link as it exists now can' t be 

Not sure if I follow you with this one.  If a task def is not linked to a task 
node, it would just be the process task like we talked about.  It would still 
be created (if using our flag idea) conditionally, depending on if the user 
creates the instances, or a task event, etc.

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