No need to apologize about your Excel, I am not that good at it either.

The full GC pause time is only around 1 second, so GC is not the cause of the 
response time discrepancies you are seeing. In total you are spending about 53 
seconds in GC (72 when not setting young gen size), which is a little high 
(1/8th of your run time)., but not too bad.

I think the max heap size is due to the permgen size setting. Between the heap 
and the permgen you can allocate around 1700MB. You could do a run with 
-XX:+PrintHeapAtGC to see what your perm gen requirements are and set it 

Other than that, you might want to look at your CPU usage. Is the kernel time 
high? If so, then that could indicate contention issues between your threads.

"Think time" is the delay that you place into your load test script between 
requests. Some load tests simulate real environments where the users have to 
"think"  between the time they are shown a page and when they submit the 
request. For example, after entering a certain page back the script might wait 
20 seconds before sending the next request on the assumption that it takes the 
average user 20 seconds to fill in the page before making the request. This the 
question about your SLA is very apropos - if it is 500 logged in users then 
added the think time would place less of a burden on the system and lower the 
response time. Usually you will want to under guess the think time. In other 
words, when I mentioned 20 second think time in the earlier example, that was 
probably because most users take 40 seconds or longer.  Of course, the other 
way to do that is assume that only, say, 1/4 or 1/5 of the users will have 
simultaneous requests. Then you can try a 100 or 150 user run to!
  simulate that (though I would run 200 users just to be safe.)

Have you tried 100, 200, ... 400 users? Or going 50, 100, .. 450, 500? If so, 
have you plotted the response times for each such run? If there is a dramatic 
drop between two runs that could pinpoint your saturation level. In which case 
you might want to reduce the number of HTTP threads to match that. For example, 
if with 300 users, 90% of your responses are within 15 seconds, then you could 
set 300 threads with a 200 request wait queue. Then the overall response time 
should be around 30 seconds. The idea here is to not overload the system (more 
threads is not always better, and adding more thread to an overloaded system is 
a well-known performance anti-pattern). I found out the hard way when first 
doing performance testing many years ago that doing the full run with the max 
number of users as the first run was the wrong way to do this - you need to 
start small and steadily increase the workload and note at what time the 
response times start to change drastically - that is yo!
 ur saturation point. And you have to find out hwy your are saturated at that 
point, fix that issue, see the response times go back in line, and then 

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