anonymous wrote : *ping kukeltje*

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"sebastian.s" wrote : 
  | I was reading the section about java activities and process variables in 
the userguide and wondering about some things.
  | In a java or a custom activity I could use
  | Object getVariable(String key);
  | to retrieve the values of process variables and then I could go use them as 
arguments for method calls.
First of all I'm not sure you can get to the executioncontext in the java task. 
You can in the custom tastk/node

"sebastian.s" wrote : 
  | But that means that if I changed the names of the process variables I would 
need to change the implementation of the java or custom activity, too. So 
wouldn't it be more convient to be able to specifiy process variables in the 
process definition which would be passed as arguments? So in case the process 
variable names changed just the process definition would need need changes but 
the java class wouldn't need to be touched?
  | I was also wondering why you can specify the method name for a java 
activity in the GPD but not the number of arguments.
For the java task you can pass arguments and use expressions for the value of 
the arguments. These can afaik be process variable names as well, so that 
solves one problem. The varying number of arguments is afaik dealt with by jBPM 
since it uses reflection to find the correct method signature. Not 100% 
completely sure though.

What you can also to in the java task is set member fields, put a list, xml 
document or whatever in there from the processdefinition and parse/use that in 
your java class. It's kind of what you mentioned in the dev forum when we 
talked about schema extensions.

I was under the impression that something like the field thing for java tasks 
was possible as well for custom nodes, but that might be something left in my 
brain from jBPM 3 (or it might just be wishful thinking) as I do not seem to be 
able to find anything.

"sebastian.s" wrote : 
  | If I got it wrong I'd be happy for some clarifying words. If not this seems 
to turn out to be a discussion for the dev forum, right?

Regarding passing params to the custom node, yes.

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