Hi all

playing around with Seam and trying to fill a manytomany join table. Following 
situation: A person has multiple roles (based on work, not as a role known from 
the security). A role could have 0..n functions (specialised education). so i 
tried the follwing:

Role and Funtion joined on role_function (join table, for the moment only 
role_id and function_id, in future with a generated id) The qualification table 
contains person_id and role_function_id.

Now the questions:

1) How to autogenerate an role_function_id on assigning a function to a role?
2) Do i have to develop a seperate bean for the qualification?

Sorry if the question is clear for all. Searched for the answer and didn't find 
something which will helps out a newbie like me! Hope someone will clear my 
questions. Thanks in advance.

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