I did finally figure out what my problem was.

Are you using wscompile to generate your jax-rpc mapping file?

If so that is your problem!  I am not sure if wscompile is generating the xml 
incorrectly or if jboss does not parse wscompile's generated mapping file 

The solution is to use wstools (which is a jboss tool).  You can find some 
information on wstools on the web but you will have to look as jboss and the 
community do not support it anymore.  Which also means that if you try and look 
for the documentation for wstools on jboss.org you will not find it.  Which is 
stupid because they still deliver this tool with 4.2.3.GA which is used a ton 
in industry.  So why not still have the wstools docs out there?

Enough ranting I guess.  All I did was use wstools to generate my mapping file, 
I still used wscompile to generate all other artifacts.  After that all was 
well I as able to deploy my service and catch a custom wsdl fault/exception on 
the client side.  Looking at the two mapping files they are different I just 
don't know if this is a jboss bug or wscompile bug.

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