I have a requirement to use UTF-8 character for some bilingual requirement. 
Where in the text that is displayed is not english. I am using the CMS portlet 
to upload the content and assign it in the CMS portlet which is then displayed 
in the Portal page. The issues arises when I try to edit the content in the 
WYSIWYG editor. Whenever the content is opened for editing in the editor and I 
click on the save (create) button of the editor the content is converted to 
junk character specifically this - "?????? ???? ???" and displayed. 

This is not an issue with the DB (portal DB). I checked the DB table; the 
content is save in a different pattern when the file uploaded. However the same 
content gets converted to  ???? ??? ?? in the table when the content is edited 
using the WYSIWYG editor.

Any help on this front is appreciated

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