Thank you Martin, you actually helped me and I got it to work!!

I'm going to summarize it up because I think that certain things are not so 
intuitive for a "jBPM scheduler"-newbie like me.

First of all, the default implementation of the scheduler service, provided by 
jBPM, is DbSchedulerServiceFactory, which uses the database to store 
information about scheduled actions associated with timers. This means that a 
database is needed even to write a simple JUnit test case that uses timers and 
this justifies the need to deploy your process definition (it's needed to store 
the related timers and timer jobs in the database, as well). I would assume 
that a different scheduler service implementation could be made to avoid the 
use of a database, however let's talk about the default implementation.

Even if a database is needed, there's no need to extend AbstractDbTestCase, 
which provides many methods to create and clean the schema and to interact with 
the database. In fact, in the simplest case, jBPM (thanks to Hibernate) will 
create automatically an in-memory database for you when you go to deploy your 
process definition and/or schedule a timer action. In this case, however, you 
should take care of the db lifecycle, however I think (but I may be wrong) that 
if you destory the jbpmConfiguration (by calling close) the in-memory db will 
be destroyed too...

Anyway, in my case I was running an only test method, so it's not so important 
how the db is handled between multiple test methods invocations.

In my previous example (TRIAL 2) timer actions were correctly saved in the 
database by the DbSchedulerServiceFactory, but they were not executed because 
no JobExecutor thread was started. The JobExecutor thread is actually a thread 
that periodically reads from the database, searching for saved timer actions 
(jobs) and executes them.

So, if I change my test case by calling jbpmConfiguration.startJobExecutor() 
just after the configuration creation, I make sure that the "scheduler" is 
started. Actually, I would rather say that there is no scheduler to start, but 
that the default scheduler service implementation expects that a JobExecutor 
thread is present to execute timer actions. In other words, the JobExecutor is 
itself part of the default scheduler service implementation. I think that this 
only sentence would be enough to say that my original problem is not so stupid 
as kukeltje says and that the documentation could be drastically improved on 
this subject (I'm also wondering what is all 

Anyway, this is not enough, because another action is needed in order to make 
the JobExecutor run timer actions in my test case: just after the signal 
invocation, that moves my process instance to the waiting state (with attached 
timer), I have to close the jBPM context in order to commit things (the 
deployed process definition, the process instance state and the related saved 
timers and jobs), otherwise the JobExecutor, which works on another thread, 
wouldn't find anything to executoe. Having the whole scenario cleared, this 
sounds reasonable and obvious, but I think it might not be so straight away for 
a first time user that is writing a simple JUnit test case. Using the 
AbstractDbTestCase class mentioned by Martin, this would be automatically 
achieved because the method processJobs(long) does a "commit" before starting 
the JobExecutor.

Thank you again Martin and please correct me if I've written something wrong.

Anyway, if this is considered to be a simple answer to a basic question (as 
kukeltje said)... well, I'm wondering why kukeltje couldn't write it himself: 
he would have certainly spent much less time that writing his two previous 
smart posts, as Martin's kind answer demonstrated.

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