OK, maybe it'll help if I provide more context for what I'm doing. 

In my application remote clients call stateless ejb to send data to specified 
topic. An ejb calls singleton object which holds a map with entries in the form 
"topic name"->"TopicPublisher object". If there is no map entry for specified 
topic, a new connection, session and publisher are created and a new entry is 
added (in this way we have only one publisher to each topic). If topic 
specified by remote client does not exist or there is any other kind of error, 
ejb sends a false value back to the client.

Problem happens when jboss is shutting down. If jboss stops topic before 
stopping ejb, there are a few milliseconds when ejb sends messages to stopped 
topic. In this case ejb should send false value back to the client to tell that 
there was an error and message wasn't persisted. But since there are no 
exceptions thrown by publisher.publish() method while publishing to stopped 
topic, it can't do this.

In the above test topic is stopped by invoking manually it's jmx-console stop() 
method, and this test shows that indeed publisher.publish() returns succesfully 
when publishing to stopped topic.
If it's normal for publisher, then what can I do with this situation? Should I 
create new session for each message or recover it?  

Many thanks in advance for any assistance with this issue.

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