I am relatively new to JBoss Messaging and I am currently evaluating it in the 
context of a project.

The project itself consists of the development of a distributed Java 
application based on a client/server architecture. The clients are disparate UI 
technologies (Swing, Web and Command Line for now)  running on Windows and 
Linux machines. The Server runs on Red Hat. 

The application is not built using J2EE. We have a proprietary application 
distribution mechanism that consists of managing multiple JVM processes running 
on one or more machines (each process is a distributed component).

We use JBoss Messaging for inter-process communication. Being relatively new to 
this technology I would like your expert opinions on the following questions:

1. Is our decision to use JBoss Messaging for Client/Server communication a 
sensible one, especially in the context of GUI Clients? What Challenges should 
we anticipate?

2. We are using a standalone JBoss Messaging Server. Can this be configured for 
Single Sign-On?

3. The JBoss Messaging documentation suggests that it can be configured to use 
JAAS authentication and authorisation. The JAAS example that ships with the 
JBoss Messaging Server shows a CallbackHandler that does nothing. How do you 
know that the client's credentials are valid? How do you know what the client 
is authorised to do and how is this handled when using JAAS? I am assuming that 
jboss-users.xml and jboss-configuration.xml files are not required when using 

4. When using JASS + LDAP server what exactly gets stored in the LDAP server? 
Are the files jboss-users.xml and jboss-configuration.xml still required? I am 
assuming no, in which case user accounts and credentials must be stored in the 
LDAP server. If so in what format and how is this accessed by the JBoss 
Messaging Server?

I've had look on the internet for JBoss tutorials around this subject but 
couldn't find much.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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