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A new message was posted in the thread "JBoss Gotcha with JAXB and Stax 1.0.1":

Author  : Jon Kranes
Profile :

I recently solved a problem that I had when porting a working web application 
from Tomcat 6 to JBoss AS 5.1.0,GA
The observed symptom was that the application, deployed on Jboss, throws 
com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.IllegalAnnotationsExceptions, with the message 
"javax.xml.namespace.QName does not have a no-arg default constructor".  The 
exception is thrown when calling
After much hair-pulling I finally traced the problem to the inclusion of the 
Stax-api 1.0.1 jar in my application.  This jar was included as an indirect 
dependency from Apache XMLBeans 2.4.0.  The problem was solved by excluding the 
Stax dependency in my maven pom.xml file.  The root cause of the problem is 
presumably related to the fact that the Stax 1.0.1 jar file includes a version 
of javax.xml.namespace.QName, which is also included in the 1.6 JRE.  
Apparently this version of QName does not play nice with JAXB.
Note that this problem did not appear when deploying the exact same .war file 
in either Tomcat 6.18 or in GlassFish 2.1.1 running under the same 1.6.0_18 JDK 
that I was running for JBoss AS.  So presumably there is some difference in the 
JBoss classloader that caused it to load the QName class from the Stax API jar 
while the other servers loaded it from the JRE rt.jar.


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