User development,

A new message was posted in the thread "Classloader VFS3 Integration":

Author  : Ales Justin
Profile :

> I guess I don't see any reason it has to be just jboss-cl.  The problem is 
> there are a lot of VFS dependent projects and it is becoming a difficult to 
> manage all the branches, so I was trying to see if there was a way we could 
> chip away at getting them on the trunk as the projects we more and more 
> stable with the VFS3 integration and an based on dependency order, jboss-cl 
> was the next likely candidate.
I think we should just set a reasonable date when we're gonna change them all 
at once.
We give devs time till then - properly warn/promote this date.
Then branch previous stuff to right branch versions, and move VFS3 stuff to 
respected trunks.
Wrt jboss-cl, I know Adrian is currently working on some OSGi support, so might 
not be the best time to "sweep the rug under his feet". :-)
> Below is a list of all the dependent projects that are used by AS.  There may 
> even be a few more that I haven't come across.  Feel free to add any 
> additional you can think of.
I don't see Seam-int there:
Although we need to check how much of VFS usage should be there once you move 
to VFS3.
It might be that we won't need it anymore -- due to more standard URL, paths, 
I'll think about it if there are some others we missed.


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