User development,

A new message was posted in the thread "Context Lookup vs. Injection":

Author  : Andrig Miller
Profile :

I was playing around with the UUIDKeyGeneratorFactory in an EJB 3 application, 
to generate a primary key.  Hibernate actually supports its own annotations for 
this (non-JPA standard), but I was wondering about using the 
KeyGeneratorFactory directly as an alternative.  I can definitely just create 
an IntialContext, and lookup "UUIDKeyGeneratorFactory", and that works as 
expected, and that's been in the application server since 3.2.x.
Is there a way to use EJB 3 @Resource annotation to inject the 
UUIDKeyGeneratorFactory.  I tried it in the code, but it didn't work, but maybe 
I missed something, or maybe the @Resource annotation isn't generalized to 
lookup anything in JNDI.
Anyway, if someone could shed some light on the subject that would be helpful.


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