User development,

A new message was posted in the thread "withincode from JUnit test not working":

Author  : Flavia Rainone
Profile :

> nizzy wrote:
> As can be seen from the jboss-aop.xml I'm trying to intercept the call to the 
> ExampleManagerBean->createObject(..) method when called from within the 
> ExamplemanagerBeanTest. I assume that when the aopc output states that a 
> class has been compiled it mean that aop has recognized that instrumentation 
> was required. So from the output I can see that;
> > PersistenceHelperTest.class
> > PersistenceHelper.class
> > PersistenceHelperTest$1.class
> > ExampleManagerBean.class
> > ExampleManagerBeanTest.class
> > MockPersistenceHelper.class
> Have been instrumented, is this assumption correct?
Yes, your assumption is correct.
We need to find out why the call joinpoint is not being intercepted. First 
thing I would try is replacing the withincode by a simple within and then, if 
the call you want to intercept is not being intercepted this way, I would try 
using the pointcut with the call expression alone, that is, without the 
withincode part. For testing purposes, this can be useful to identify if the 
problem is the withincode, or if it is intercepting the call from inside the 
test class.
The JBoss AOP tests are reproducing both scenarios, and all of our tests are 
passing, se we also need to find out what is different in your scenario. This 
will be the next step.


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