User development,

A new message was posted in the thread "Adding JBoss AS source to a project":

Author  : Max Andersen
Profile :

> > wrote:
> >  
> > sorry, just saw it is actually adding on source lookup not classpath - but 
> > again, these shouldn't really be needed to be added ....
> So as I understand it, the path taken by the WTP adapter is strictly spoken 
> 'wrong', although it does seem to do the trick. The JBoss AS tools adapter 
> does its thing in a better way, but happens to be broken in CR1 and this will 
> be fixed in CR2 (and is already fixed in the nightly).
> It would be interesting to learn about the approach taken by the JBoss AS 
> tools adapter.
> Anyway, with this intermediate problem out of the way we can go back on 
> concentrating on what the best way is to attach all source from the JBoss AS 
> source distribution in an easy way 
Sorry for brining confusion - the newest WTP adapter does it the *right* way by 
having a good default source lookup delegate (I just didnt realize that this 
would actually show up in the launch configuration under the "Default").
As Snjezana said, our AS adapter had workarounds for bugs that were  in the 
old  WTP Adapter which now has been fixed so the new AS adapter matches the WTP 
adapter in behavior for this specific thing.
And yes, adding AS source distribution an easier way would be good - but for 
that to work we need some kind of co-release with AS that has the src available 
so if you point to such a thing we could attach it as source automatically. My 
understanding was that such a thing doesn't yet you know of one ?
My best bet is that AS 6 should have maven artifacts for all its .jars so this 
should be much easier done for that.
That of course leaves the question what to do for AS 4 and AS 5


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