User development,

A new message was posted in the thread "Cannot Retrieve Tasks of a User":

Author  : Eren Aykin
Profile :

Hi All,
I have just started working with jbpm and I have a problem with retrieving 
tasks for a user.
in my process.jpdl.xml I have:
My hibernate configuration is:

In my JUnit test, I am doing:
public class MainAppTest extends JbpmTestCase {
 private void setupManagers() {  String dept = 
  identityService.createUser("johndoe", "John", "Doe");  
identityService.createMembership("johndoe", dept, "Manager");
 private void setupReportees() {  String dept = 
  identityService.createUser("reportee1", "Reportee1", "A");  
identityService.createMembership("reportee1", dept, "Reportee");
  identityService.createUser("reportee2", "Reportee2", "B");  
identityService.createMembership("reportee2", dept, "Reportee"); }
 protected void tearDown() throws Exception {  ...
 @Test public void testMainApp() {  ProcessInstance processInstance = 
executionService    .startProcessInstanceByKey("Initialapp");  pid = 
processInstance.getId(); }
 @Test public void testBothReporteeTasksCompletedWithApproval() {
  List taskList3 = taskService.findGroupTasks("reportee1");
assertEquals(1, taskList1.size());
assertEquals(1, taskList3.size());
  ...   }
I am expecting to receive the tasks defined at process.jpdl.xml into the lists 
but they are not read and the lists are empty.
Also, while debugging, I see that the JBPM4_TASK database
Can you tell what am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.


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